Sunday, March 22, 2015

Future mommy + daddy + baby

Derek and I were talking the other day and realized, we haven't blogged about being pregnant.

Which is a huge mistake because it's a pretty big deal.  And we're just thrilled.

Right now our little baby girl is kicking throughout the day.  Sometimes if I'm really patient I can actually see the kicking--which blows my mind  The fact that there's a little human inside of me who is getting bigger and bigger and learning to move her arms and legs is amazing.

sooooooo cute.

We've enjoyed following the size of her growth through a website that tracks the baby compared to foods.  I cannot believe that at 4 weeks she was the size of a poppyseed, like a little kidney bean at 8 weeks, and her little body has still continued growing and growing!  We've watched her progress from the size of a lime to a lemon, from an apple to a bell pepper.  Right now at 28 weeks she's apparently the size of a large eggplant.  Pretty amazing.

A couple of my growing pictures.  The left was at about 18 weeks (when I finally started showing for real!) and the right at 28.

What are we most excited for?  Derek told me the other day that he can't wait to just play with her and make her laugh.  Adorable.  For me this is silly, but at first I was just excited to start organizing her things...making a little diaper drawer and finding places for all of her things in the home.  Now I think I just can't wait to see her little face and snuggle with her all day.  I've loved holding my newborn babies at work every day (before I poke them with needles.  sad.)   and I'm excited to see what she comes out like.  We only have one baby in our families and when my nephew arrived he was perfect.  So it'll be fun to see her.

A couple weeks ago we planted some flowers in our planter box and joked that this is our test to see if we can be parents.  (Some people get dogs before they have kids--we're just doing flowers.)  It's been pretty fun. We get so excited seeing the little green sprouts popping up out of the soil.  (and it's good because so far they haven't died on us.  Good sign.)  No blossoms yet, but hopefully soon!

  Obviously one side is growing better than the other.  We each took a side when we planted and we keep arguing over who must have planted the wimpy side.  

So that's what's going on in our lives.  We're so excited. Sometimes it's scary and crazy that we're going to be PARENTS--that this is for real.  But we have great examples to look to and we have the gospel to help us know where to focus as we raise our family.  We can't wait for June!

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