Friday, March 11, 2016

Motherhood thoughts as of late

Hanging out with this little one is so fun.  I love the situations and experiences we get to have together.  Here are a few thoughts I've had lately and things that make me smile.

--how messy she gets eating in her high chair and hoping she keeps the shmeared banana out of her eyes.  Banana everywhere is good for the skin, right?

-wondering how long I can convince Kennedy that the vacuum is actually a pet dog.  Not stepping on the tail and helping to wind it up at the end.

-Bringing cheerios everywhere.  It makes me so happy

-I took her to the mother's lounge at my parents' ward and forgot to bring the diaper bag.  as she crawled around the room she filled her entire diaper with poop, sending some leaking into her clothing.  No big deal.  But then she shuffles back over to me ready to eat. So, without a new diaper and wipes I had no choice.  I took off the messy diaper and held her bare bottom over the sink and cleaned up.  Then I nursed her.  Bare bottomed baby girl just chilling in my lap.  We were stuck like that listening to the talks through the intercomm (I couldn't bring her back into Sacrament meeting like that) until my mom came in to check on us and brought us a diaper.  Crisis averted.

-Kennedy has started waving her hair around and thinks it's hilarious.

--The way Kennedy follows me as I sweep the floor, crawling as quickly as she can to reach me before I change directions.

There are many more things but those are a few happy things I can think of right now.

