Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

As a freshman in college we had a relief society activity where we worked on little humanitarian kits for children in Africa and we watched a video that showed their life and their struggles.

I remember sitting there and thinking, "Holy cow.  Right as I sit here in this air conditioned building with refreshments on the table next to us, there are people across the world right now having a completely different experience."  I realized how little I think of them.  Like, actually think of them.   It always takes someone turning on a movie or reading an article for me to realize that not everyone lives a life like me.  You always "know" that, but you don't necessarily comprehend it.  Maybe because we don't want to.  I don't know.

A lot of times I have a brief thought of gratitude--grateful I'm not starving, on the street, in slavery, etc.  But what I forget to acknowledge is that those situations are real for somebody out there--right now.

I don't know why we are in different circumstances around the world.  I don't know why I haven't had to struggle for food, or why I was put into a family where education mattered and I had every opportunity I wanted.  But I do know that God knows what's up, and He does love everybody.

I feel like I need to do more somehow.   I sometimes wonder what my role is in the lives of people around the world.

I'm not sure how.  It sounds selfish, but I don't have much more money than what we pay for tithes, offerings, and one bonus donation a month.  I'm not in the right season of life to leave my home and family to build schools, administer vaccines, etc.

And I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.  We are told to "life where we stand" and bless the lives of those around us.  Still, there is prayer. (Praying is never the wrong choice, right?) I'm sure a few extra prayers for those in North Korea, Syria, Africa, are always appreciated.  And I don't know how prayer works, but I choose to believe and hope that there is real power behind them, and that they do make a difference.

So here's to remembering to pray for those far away from me.  Praying because there really are people who need blessings, even if I can't see them right now in my day-to-day life.

I feel like I need to have a fancy send off.  "One, two, three, PRAAAAYER!"  Just kidding. Kind of.  Finishing posts is always the awkward part.

Ok.  bye.

Oh, and p.s.  Just because their life is different and they don't have Walmart next to them, doesn't mean they aren't happy.  (We often complicate our lives too much and focus on the wrong things for happiness here.  Anyway.) As evidence, enjoy these pictures from a few years ago in Ghana :)

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