Monday, January 23, 2017

The Good and the Hard

The Good.
Derek's birthday on Monday was awesome.  We went shopping in Morristown and then to dinner on Saturday, I surprised him Monday morning with his presents, and then we had a couple over for cake and ice cream that night.  It was so fun.

Wednesday night I went to our ward book club and it we discussed "When Breath Becomes Air."  It was just good.  After that I spontaneously joined a couple moms to see La La Land.  It was so fun, and I was so grateful to have friends I could hang with.  It's such a beautiful movie!  I've been listening to the music ever since, and I feel like I've been singing more around the house this week now too.

Weaning has been going so well.  I've been able to help Kennedy solve her problems other ways than nursing and we're going several days in a row without nursing.  I just gave in twice this week.

Saturday met Kyra's family for a day in Tarrytown--a convenient meeting spot an hour away for each of us.  We had fun!  We went to the Hudson River museum, played at a park, and walked downtown Tarrytown and ate at a local pizza shop.  It's awesome living close enough to Kyra that we can pull quick day trips together.  Her kids are cute and Kennedy had fun running around with them.

I've been working on interviews with VIPkid--a company that teaches Chinese children English online.  It's an amazing company, and my first two interviews went really well!  It has been fun to fantasize what we could do with a little bit of extra income each month.  I would work between 5-7am, so it wouldn't really affect Kennedy.  So that's cool.  And my friends were AWESOME letting Kennedy come play with their toddlers while I interviewed.  My first two interviews went really well!  In fact on my second interview I was only one point away from not needing a third one and just getting the job!

The Bad:
The third interview was awwwwwwful.   (I was going back and forth if I should go for this job and it's been a pain in the neck to get everything done on time! This company moves fast!  They sent me 6 hours of training to be done in two days, another two days to be interviewed, etc. IT HAS BEEN INSANITY.  Also they didn't show up for my second interview because someone had a family emergency and so I sat there for a half hour waiting, then sheepishly picked Kennedy up from my friend's house, no closer than before.) Anyway the third interview.  Holy cow!  THis must have been my answer not to do it because I just couldn't do it.  I was so awkward.  I wasn't like, sad that it didn't work.  It mostly made me laugh.  Because it was pretty pathetic. I got a kind farewell email but the subject line made me laugh.  "Unsuccessful Mock Interview.  Account Deactivation."  bahahaha.

Saturday morning I sobbed right along Kennedy.  Nothing was wrong-wrong.  But I was just done.  Derek was at basketball and she'd been a pill all morning.  Needing to be held all day, screaming as I tried to do some quick crunches and hold a plank.  Discipline has been really hard lately.  Saturday night we were out with Kyra's family eating pizza and Kennedy kept sliding the pizza off of the paper plate onto the bench, thinking it was funny.  I didn't stop her and eventually the pizza landed on the floor.  Sometimes I just don't have the stamina to say no anymore.  And I know I should, I just don't have the energy to say no and handle a tantrum anymore.  (Sometimes I feel like other moms look at me sometimes like, "why is she rushing to help her daughter so quickly?  Doesn't she know she's spoiling her?" and I hate that.  So far though, I don't know how not to.  We're getting though.  I"m getting better at assessing the situation and taking a step back.  But it's hard.) *really, she's a good kid.  She's the best sharer I know--seriously she is so good, and she's so good at picking up toys.  I say no to her and she recovers from tantrums and it's fine.  Although, she is the bad example kid in nursery hahaha.  Yesterday she kept standing in her chair, I'd tell her no, and she'd slide down again, but then slyly get up once again.  Eventually her cute friend started doing it too.  Guys, my kid is that leader kid who starts the problems in class!  Ahhh!

I walked the mall with a couple friends the other day and we ended at the children's play area.  Kennedy decided to be brave and go play without me by the slide.  But then a kid pushed forcefully her away a few times.  She stayed tough for a few seconds, but then the face crumpled and she sobbed, then she stayed by me the rest of the time.  So sad.  (That kid was pushing everybody!  I can imagine his mom felt a little how I did at the pizza shop.  Just done saying no. Still frustrating though.)

I ended with "the bad" because I wanted to say the good about the interviews first.  But now this is a depressing way to end.  Things are AWESOME. I love my Derek, and I love my Kennedy!  haha.  now I can say the end ;)

*To come:  pictures of all of us together on the trip. I don't have them with me otherwise I'd share one :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you handled the pizza thing really well. Honestly, I barely noticed Kennedy because I was busy with my own moody toddler. That's what I count on most of the time -- that most other moms are too busy with their own kids to judge! And what do they know anyway.
