Monday, January 23, 2017

They don't resent me.

At the Worldwide Devotional this month, Elder Nelson challenged us to consecrate some time each week to learning about the Savior.  Last week as I read I was touched by a couple scriptures and wrote this poem.

I posted it on instagram (after thinking for a while about whether or not it was too personal or good enough to share. Anyway.)  I posted, "I learned something so important tonight.  Sometimes my predominant feeling about the Atonement is guilt.  But instead it should be gratitude and determination to press forward. That's pretty wonderful."

Also church related, I've started to notice how crazy important it is that I study the scriptures and reconnect every single day.  Because throughout the day, I totally forget.  I really do! I just get so distracted and it's scary how quickly it happens.  I love the clarity I feel once I open the scriptures and let myself forget everything else I've been worrying about and focus on what I read.  Finally I feel like I"m myself again, and the world makes sense once more.

Seriously this world is getting crazy and darkness is everywhere.  And it's not always stuff that's super terrible or whatever.  But it's so easy to become distracted and just throw ourselves completely into frivolous things.  Derek and I have been trying recently to live a little bit more.  To read more, to learn more, to spend less time watching TV and looking at phones.  It's a hard habit to break but there is so much life to live!  (And there will be even more when the weather's better. :)  During January and February I'd just about give anything for warm weather and a weekend of hiking)

Now I'm rambling. Thanks for reading the rambles :)  Now doesn't the word ramble make you want to go on an adventure and explore somewhere?!???  Ugh spring cannot come more quickly!!

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