Monday, June 30, 2014

AFRICA. Part two.

From my letter to Derek May 6ish

Today was a wonderful day.  I was able to work in one of the outpost sites with a nurse named Mary who is stationed there.  In each remote town there’s about one nurse that goes door to door and takes care of the people.  It’s amazing—she knows all of the people and all of the women that just had babies, all those that are sick, all the girls menstruating.  It’s intense.

After the on-site work, we moved into the door-to-door work.  We followed the little road that runs through the jungle to different houses to check the women who just had babies and make sure everything was all good. .  The babies were so cute! 

From my letter May 11th
Mother’s Day is today!  It was a really good day.  Yesterday we started filming our little mother’s day video and oh, I love the video so much.  It captures so much of the joy we feel here.

For Gaye and Karen we decided to each pick a bead for them at the bead market and turn it into a bracelet.  At first we were worried it would look terrible because none of us knew what each other would choose, but it looks pretty the home-made sort of way. :)

After the bead market we went to the nursing school and were paired with students there to go to some of their classes with them.  I got paired with a girl named Abigail and oh my heavens, I love her.  She was so cute…she like took me by the hand and led me to see her dorm room and all of her roommates introduced themselves.  They were all so excited to meet me and make me feel comfortable.  They kept making fun of me when I tried to say African words…it was so funny! 
At the end of class, they made us come up to the front of the room, determined to teach us how to dance.  Oh boy we were pretty terrible!! 

The next day we went on a hike to Boti falls.  That was another one of my very favorite things that we’ve done.  I loved it so much because it was the first thing that felt extremely familiar and comfortable to be hiking.  And oh my heavens it was so beautiful!  We hiked down into the jungle and went up the other side.  The first site there were these two waterfalls. 

In the middle of the hike were these really cool cave things. 

At the end of the hike was something called the umbrella rock.  It’s a rock held up by a big stack of little rocks and it’s so high up.  You climb up a ladder and stand on the top of the jungle!  So so so so so beautiful.  The ladder terrified me though.  I knew if I came up I’d have to go down.  Baah!

On Friday we taught at one of the elementary schools here.  OH my goodness, that was another one of my favorite things we’ve done here!  Baaahh!  So wonderful.  Camille and I taught about safe water drinking and fire safety, dental hygiene was talked about, hand hygiene, and nutrition.  It went so well!   I loved having the kids get up to practice rolling on the ground for stop drop and roll.  The kids sang the girl’s handwashing song for the rest of the day.  And they loved the dental hygiene puppets that sprayed water out of their mouths.  The kids were really smart too!  At the end of our first of three teaching sessions, we had extra time so I taught them heads up seven up and four corners.  Pretty good time.  The kids went crazy.  It was cool how I could already pick out the class leaders immediately.

Those children are beautiful and just LOVE you.  At the end one of them I had individually spoken to wouldn’t stop hugging me.  It's just such an amazing feeling.

They sang their school anthem to us so loudly and proudly and we sung our Lord I would follow Thee.  

We taught at an adult stake activity on Saturday.  Camille and I taught about menopause because a lot of people have a lot of questions and concerns for that.   Patience and Chanele taught about stress management, Mallory and Shydi taught about CPR, Ali and Zoe taught about wound care/first aid, Rachel and Emily taught about malaria. 
They had a ton of questions and really wanted to learn all of that stuff.  Which was really cool.  At the end we did hemoglobin checks, blood sugar checks, and blood pressure. 

After teaching, we got to do a canopy walk!!  We got to cross 7 bridges that were over the jungle trees.  So pretty!!  It was really high up so a couple times it was a little bit scary.  But it was beautiful!  And very fun.  

After the walk we hurried over to slave castle.  It was really sad (like...I cannot imagine how terrible that would have been.) but pretty cool to see at the same time.  One thing really interesting about the people here is they hold no resentment for slavery and what happened to their people, because it was just something of the time. 

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