Sunday, June 8, 2014

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto.

It's been a fun, busy first week in Chicago!  Derek works full time, but when he comes home it's time to play!  (It's so very different from us coming home from a long school day with hours of homework still ahead of us.  Summer is great for that.)

Here's some of the fun things we've done:

we ate deep dish pizza!  
happy pizza happy Derek.  This was literally the first thing we did after we pulled stuff out of the car.  Derek was so excited to try the pizza.  plus we were starving.
my favorite thing:  just across the street from us is a forest with so many trails!  so much fun.  We've gone for Sunday walks and the occasional run.
we discovered an ice cream place that sells the biggest Italian ice!!!  we shared and didn't even finish.  pretty cheap and pretty much delicious!!!  (also note how cute the pink looks next to Derek's shirt.)
the temple!! a needed change of pace from the rest of the city.  

we rode the train to the city!  Also, someday we're gonna hire a professional photographer to follow us around so we can have pictures together ;)

I love the rivers and lakes.   soooo pretty.  they're just the perfect color.

lots of really tall buildings, but every once in a while there's one that looks different and unique

we navigated our way through the city to navy pier.  lots of cool things to do and eat and smell.  plus really cool views of the city!

we splurged and rode the ferris wheel.  this is our artistic picture of us holding our tickets.  that's as good as our
artsy-ness gets, folks.

about half way up the ferris wheel be both realized we're a little bit afraid of heights. luckily we had a family from arkansas in there with us so we had to pretend to be cool.  Otherwise we woulda been like...

We made it off safely.  Here's a view of the city from navy pier
here's a view of Kaylie from navy pier

Derek and I made a deal.  We could go to a big soccer game for him if we could go to a musical for me.  We were lucky and we got to see Les Mis!!!  It was really well done and the voices were incredible!!  We could probably write a whole blog post just about the musical.  It's such a beautiful story of redemption and of how good a person can be.  Derek didn't cry that much ;)

We finished the week by visiting Kyra, Kevin, and Joseph at Warren Dunes National Park.  Oh my goodness, this little boy is so much fun.  He's so happy to play in the freezing cold water.  Out of all of us, he was the bravest.

Splashing in the water!  (Kyra's gonna blog about it all, so for more fun visit

If it seems like it's been a busy week, it's because it was a busy week. :) We're only here for a summer so we're trying to experience all we can.

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